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I create corporate well-being spaces where individuals become brand ambassadors, connecting the organization’s values and objectives with the feelings of each team member.

Cohesion between internal culture and team behavior is key for clear communication.

Organizational coherence is crucial in integrating plans and strategies, as well as in its sustainable evolution.

There’s no second chance to make a first good impression. A good impression starts with appearance.

Corporate attire is a key tool for generating distinction and increasing confidence, which in turn impacts team productivity.

Through internal marketing strategies and professional image enhancement, I motivate and empower team members’ sense of belonging within the company, promoting a clear, powerful, and consistent message.

Do you want your teams to become the best professional image of your brand?


Individuals become brand ambassadors…


Comfort, image, and functionality requirements to instill confidence…


Key space for transformation towards prosperous circular systems…

Impulsando los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y el Plan de Acción de Economía Circular de la Unión Europea

Proyecto asesorado por el Programa Dona Impuls de La Cambra de Comerc de Mallorca (Illes Balears)

Semifinalista en The Mayor´s of London Entrepreneur 2019