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Fashion Redesign trademark

  1. Fashion Redesign is a trademark registered with the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office under the number UK00003578253 under the sole ownership of Adriana Margarita Ruiz Velasquez. Our brand and logo are legally protected and any infringement will be reported, pursued and claimed against anyone.
  2. The information provided in any reports, courses, conferences, symposiums, webinars, presentations, diagrams and contract templates provided by Fashion Redesign are classified as intellectual property of the Fashion Redesign Brand and are intended exclusively for the use of the intended recipient in each matter in particular. Therefore, any content or recommendations provided by Fashion Redesign and authorized personnel during the course of this engagement will be legally privileged and constitute the intellectual property of Fashion Redesign. Any dissemination, distribution, publication or copying of these materials is prohibited without the written consent of Fashion Redesign.
  3. If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact our data protection officer at

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