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Is your company’s workforce comfortable with their work attire?

Is your organization’s professional image aligned with the company’s goals and vision?

Is your business strategy aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Circular Economy Plan of the European Union?

Would you like to enhance the return on investment in uniforms or work attire?

At Fashion Redesign, I assist companies to unlock their potential with the power of clothing, while being sustainably responsible.

Within any organization, work teams should look and feel their best at all times.

Cohesion and coherence should be inherent in their corporate values, fostering teams committed to better skills and optimal performance.

Every corporate uniform should be functional, comfortable, and have the power to boost self-esteem and make its users feel professional.

The company is a key space for driving social, ecological, and economic transformation towards prosperous circular systems that enable the evolution of society and the planet.

At Fashion Redesign, I advise companies on shining with their professional image and prepare work teams to look and feel good in their clothing, while being sustainably responsible.

Expert consultant in marketing, functionality, and sustainability.

I help you ​​maximize your company’s confidence with the power of clothing!

Areas of
consultancy services…

Group 10


Individuals become brand ambassadors


Comfort, image, and functionality requirements to instill confidence


Key space for transformation towards prosperous circular systems

Training sessions

Experiential learning, talks, and participatory training

Impulsando los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y el Plan de Acción de Economía Circular de la Unión Europea

Proyecto asesorado por el Programa Dona Impuls de La Cambra de Comerc de Mallorca (Illes Balears)

Semifinalista en The Mayor´s of London Entrepreneur 2019